Extra Grace Required | By Pastor Rick Warren, Open Doors Devotional

"Ask God to bless those who persecute you - yes, ask him to bless, not curse."

                                                                                                     Romans 12:14

We all have EGRs people who come with Extra Grace Required-in our lives. They annoy us, anger us, frustrate us, and test us. But they also help us grow. God calls us to bless people who cause us the most trouble. How much more is this true for those who only annoy us?

Do what's right, no matter what the EGRs in your life do. If they insult you, treat them with kindness. If they wear on your nerves or they're too slow for your pace, treat them with patience.

You cannot control what other people think about you. You cannot control what other people do to you. But you do have 100 percent control over how you respond.

You might be completely within your rights to retaliate, but Jesus calls you to take the higher ground, for it is where you're given a clear perspective. When you take the high ground, you can see past a person's actions to their pain. When you take the high ground, you rise above the irritation and the conflict, choosing to keep the peace. You might have the perfect comeback to put them in their place, but Paul tells us to lift them up, not to cut them down.

Maybe you are thinking, "I don't have anybody persecuting me." Cross out the word "persecute" and replace it with "irritate." Ask God to bless the people who irritate you. Instead of asking God to judge them, ask him to bless them. This is what real love look: like. Real love doesn't just love people who are lovable; real love loves the unlovable. Real love is patient with th irritable people in your life.

God empowers us to love even those we find hard to love.


Extra Grace Required – Elmvale Community Church

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