Nothing To Hide | By Andy Petry, National Landing Director
Freedom is knowing that we have nothing to hide. - Jimmy Rollins
“I’m only as sick as my secrets.” I remember hearing that quote the first time I walked through a step study and the way that it just stuck with me. For much of life I lived in fear and hiding, convinced that I needed to figure out how to manage the harmful behaviors that were slowly taking up more and more of my life. I was terrified that if people knew me, the real me and the things I’ve done, everything would be lost. Many of us have spent years running, denying, numbing, or hiding from the hurts, hang-ups, and habits that we carry, convinced that is the only way to live. But as we get into recovery, we learn that it’s actually keeping our secrets that’s sucking the life out of us.
When we become willing to ruthlessly eliminate the hiding in our lives, we open the door to start finding true freedom. When we let ourselves become known, when we willingly open up to brothers and sisters that love us, and to a God that graciously meets us in the middle of our mess, shame starts to die.
Freedom is found when we are done hiding. And when we are willing to let go of the secrets, we can start to step forward with God as He faithfully matures and grows us.
Aren’t you glad that we have a safe place where we don’t have to hide?