He Is My Deliverer | Rodney Holmstrom, CR Global Field Director

"Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him…" Psalm 91:14a NIV

There is such power in praying scriptures. This morning, I decided to shift my verse today into my personal prayer for one of God's seven promises listed in Psalm 91.

"Because I love You, Lord, I thank You that You have promised to deliver me.” Psalm 91:14a NIV

Reflecting on my life, I am reminded that I almost destroyed my marriage, my family, and my life because I was attempting to manage my stuff on my own. 

The following verse resonates as my own language in that season and still holds true today...
“All who call on the Name of the Lord shall be delivered." Joel 2:32 NIV

Today I am thanking God for what He has [is] done [doing] in my life and yours as I reflect with gratitude today.

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