Who is on the Throne? | By Rodney Holmstrom, CR Global Field Director

On coming to the house...they bowed down and worshiped him... Matthew 2:11 NIV

Today, I find myself thinking about King Herod today- lol. Yeah my weird mind.
I wonder, what was going through his mind when he learned of the Messiah coming? Fear? Loss of control? Powerlessness? Perhaps he was thinking that things may never be the same ever again? Maybe his thought was “But I'm supposed to be on the throne!!” And boy, didn't he take things in his hands to the extreme?!

As easy as it is to be critical of a warped King Herod, I can't help but think about how this can relate to my own life. There have been too many times in my life when facing God and coming into His presence, I have wanted and did respond in the same way to my Savior.

So glad my name isn't written anywhere in the Bible about my stupidity. I guess that IS the incredible power of grace. No matter how stupid we may be, Jesus washes it away clean when we invite Him in and walk in His ways. May we approach the King and bow down and worship the One and only One who should be on the throne.

Thanking Him today for His grace even when my past story bleeds my idiocy.

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