Holding on Tight? | Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director Celebrate Recovery

It doesn’t make sense to me, but my attempts to hold on to my old life through control actually saps the life right out of me. I am tempted in this space to try harder, do better, perform, or even ‘out do’ the bad with good behaviors, but it never works, and is never sustainable in our recovery journey. It’s the letting go that ultimately brings life.

I have learned in my recovery journey that it’s so much harder to surrender than it is to accomplish. In my flesh, I am wired to accomplish and perform for love. But Jesus didn’t design me or you that way. He reminds us that our performance doesn’t gain us life. Coming to Him in our brokenness and our old self, and resting in His love changes us to our new in Christ-created self. He reminds us again and again that surrender leads to life.

A good reminder for me is to let go of what I’m trying to manage on my own today, yet again. What about you? Is there something you're focusing on and trying to manage that needs to be surrendered? Maybe it’s job, a health concern, a relationship, a hurt, a hang-up or a habit?

Let go of it. Then ask God to grow you through your surrender. God’s still got you, my friend. Remember, we have to be willing to allow the old us to die so the new can live.

People who try to save their lives will lose them, and those who lose their lives will save them.  Luke 17:33 CEV

Have a great week!

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