Paying Attention - By Rodney Holmstrom
How are you doing on paying attention to God and what He is doing in your life?
In Psalm 119:7, the psalmist is saying to God, ‘Lord, make me better at this discipline of paying attention to you, God.’
He is saying “I need help to direct my full attention to you God.” Yes, even in gratitude.
The word ‘consider’ comes from the Latin word, considerare. It means ‘to gaze upon the stars’. The God who created those stars loves you and wants your attention today.
Let’s commit to pay attention to our loving Father with wisdom
and gratitude for even the smallest of things He is doing, His beauty
and more.
“Help me to understand your teachings, and I will think about your marvelous deeds.”
119:27 CEV
Rodney Holmstrom
Global Field Director for
Celebrate Recovery